That tired old cliche:
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
-everyone’s auntie
Unfortunately that tired old cliche is one of the best protections for remote job hunters. If it makes your “scam” antenna go up, or if your spider-sense starts tingling, there’s a good chance you’re looking at a scam posting.
The top way to avoid scam postings is to make a list of jobs which you think you might be qualified for, along with companies which employ such workers. Then go directly to the official web site for that company and find their jobs page. “But if I knew that information, I wouldn’t be here!” you might be thinking.
Hawaii has yet to catch up with the rest of the world in terms of remote-friendly companies. It’s hard to be remote in the hospitality industry! So the bulk of quality remote jobs will be from mainland companies.
One way to find them is to go slightly off the beaten path: for example, try searching Reddit, Twitter, or Instagram using keywords relating to the job you want. It may sound strange, but here’s an example search:
Among the results is a link to an old-ish blog post from Zapier.
It lists 25 of the most famous fully-remote companies, with links to their careers pages.
Another result is Remote Masters. They list not only remote jobs, but also a handy list of fully-remote companies and their open positions:
So don’t get stuck on Monster, Indeed, or LinkedIn — get creative with those searches and try look in unorthodox places. I’ll be sharing what I find in my weekly letter, so sign up with your email!
Ok, so we’ve done the search and found a company’s careers page and job listings. Next up: how do I know it’s a legit company?